History Notes BA 4th Sem Kashmir University

American Revolution

Notes by:- Jahangir Feroz Dar(jahangir-writes) 


America before freedon was a group of 13 colonies under British Kingdom on the east side of Appalachian mountains(on west coast) on the west side of Applachian mountains was French occupation over the entire North-West portion of todays USA.Area under British was under under colonial rule and the land of natives was taken away and were reduced to slaves by colonizers however area under french was not their colony and they had not confiscated land of natives.since colonial powers were very far from colonies and in these colonies was good amount of white people, colonizers appointed ther elites as their agents to control the colonies but on fingertips of british parliment.This lead formation of NEXUS between the settlers and british parliment.Colonial powers got their economic intrests achieved and settlers got capitalism as well as armed protection.
However these settlers were given very limited independence which became a hindrance for their captalistic goals for example they were not allowed to set up steel and textile industry (which was very profitable industry) and were allowed to trade only in made in britain ships etc etc.This ultimately lead to collision of intrests of settlers and colonial masters which finally took a shape of Revolution.

By whom = settler(later supported by FRENCH and SPAIN)
Against whom= British govt and loyalists(settlers favouring british govt).


1:- Mercantile Capitalism
Mercantile Capitalism was the British policy in the 18th century. It was based on the idea that the Government should regulate the economy at home and colonies abroad, so as to increase the national power and achieve a positive Balance of Trade(that is more export and less import which means more profit).Their appointees that is settlers had same type of intention that is to gain more and more profit. Since thier powers were limited and were made to use only brtish made goods and trade only in british made ships this put limitations on their on their income and british also had imposed high tarrif on non british goods killing the competition making their goods uncompeatable.This lead to collision of intrests of settlers with those of colonizers and was manifested into resetment and ultimately revolt.

2:-Proclamation of 1763
British govt after 7 year war(1754-63) was exhausted economically so in oreder to bring peace t issued a Proclamation of 1763which banned expansion beyond appalachian mountains as this area was now reserved for the native American Indians.British settlers in 13 colonies wanted to expand beyond app mtns to achieve more profit and they had provided huge help to british govt during 7 year war.They now felt cheated and thus ignored this proclamation. Their local militia forces continued to bring the area in the west under their control.

3:-Role of Enlightenment Thinkers
The modern thinkers and philosophers played an important role in American Revolution. Around 1750, many Thinkers were challenging the absolute Monarchy and colonialism demanding
freedom and liberty for the people. They placed before the people, the idea of a democracy. They helped in development of ideas of Republicanism and Liberalism against colonialism. English Philosophers like Locke, Harrington and Milton believed that men have fundamental rights, which no government can ignore and take away. In 1690, Locke had
defined the three natural rights of man. Montesquieu had described the principle of Separation of Powers in 1748. Thomas Paine of France argued that it was absurd that a continent (North
America) be governed by an island(Britain
). The Enlightenment thinkers in mid-1700s in France gave many ideas, which influenced the American Revolution.

4:-Recovery of (Seven Year) War Expenditure
As a result of 7 year war British govt was under high debt and low balance of trade in order to make up for the costs of war they decided to tax people in their north american colonies who opposed it.example The British Parliament enacted the Stamp Act in 1765, which imposed stamp taxes on all business transactions in the British colonies in USA. E.g. revenue stamps of some amount were made mandatory for all legal documents. The Americans responded by boycotting the British goods and soon many uprisings in the towns followed where the tax collectors were

5:-No Representation in British Parliament
Since the British Parliament had no American representation, the American leaders opposed the right of Britain to levy any taxes on them. Moreover, the Americans felt that the money thus collected was used in interest of the British and not for development of the peoples of America. In the Massachusetts Assembly, the leaders of all 13 colonies gathered and adopted theslogan
of No Taxation without Representation(NTWR).

Proclamation of 1763--------> stamp act 1765----------> protests begain in 13 colonies----------->stamp act Congress(no taxation without representation)-------->1766 british repealed stamp act --------->NTWR continues------->Britain end all taxes on consumer goods imported into colonies except tax on tea(to show they are still dominant)---------->1773 BOSTON tea party(protestors offload ship loaded with tea as a protest aginst tax on TEA).------->coercive acts 1774(take away right of self govt of Massachusetts)----------->Ist continetal congress or Philadelphia congress 1774(NTWR + demand to end mercantralism and coercive acts)------->1775 British attacks colonies(Begning of american war of independence)-------> 1776 Decelration of freedom(drafted by Thomas Jefferson) not official freedom----->settler colonies are supported by france and spain(they wanted to stop british from becoming super power and also to avenge 7 year war defeat)------>Second Treaty of Paris 1783(It ended the American War of Independence and declared 13 colonies free from occupation....

After gaining Freedom America became republic and adopted some out of box ideas that made this struggle a revolution.The ideas are enlisted as:-
1:-Equality in society:no special Prevlliges to Nobility, Equality before Law and rule of law.
2:-Right to property:No one can be deprived of his property arbitrarily if done it should be done only by due process of law when justified and compensation should be provided.
3:-It gave world its first rebublic that is country with sovereign power lying in hands of its people.
4:-Implemented idea of Fundamental rights(Life,Liberty,and pursuit of happiness).
5:-Implemented idea of Enlightment thinkers.
6:-Became inspiration for French revolution.
7:-Ist proper Political Anti-colonial movement.


1:-Declaration of Independence was enshrined with All MEN ARE EQUAL.
2:-No Right TO Vote for women,non propertied men,black and native American indians.
3:-No Citizenship for black and native American indians.
4:-Slavery was not abolished untill 1865.
5:-Embarked Territorial Expansion beyond Appalachian Mountains.
However upto 1924 all these negatives were addressed and removed


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